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Women and Engineering

International Women’s Day was celebrated  on March 8  to  celebrate women’s equality for 100 years, but what about the women in engineering. Although there is a substantial growth of women in engineering compared to 1980, there is still only  14% of female engineers in the United States, which is a shockingly  low amount. Due to the small amount of women in engineering it  urges young girls that enjoy engineering to step up and pursue it without second thoughts.

The United States also steps up in trying to encourage women into  the engineering field by creating Women Engineering  Mentor-ship programs and adjusting the K- 12 STEM to become appealing for girls. According to AMSE, there is now around 20% of women currently applied in an engineering major and soon to graduate into the world of engineering.

Study shows that women needs to slowly get introduced into engineering to gain confidence when going against the stereotypical thought of engineering as masculine.  Many tech companies; however, has showed support by applying different strategies that celebrates women engineers in their  industry. Women can beat the odds and succeed in the engineering field, if they put their mind to it..
