We know Silicon Valley
As a trusted IT and engineering recruiting firm in San Jose, we know what it takes to get work done
Candidate Sourcing
More than twenty years in hi-tech staffing has honed our expertise in finding, screening and nurturing top talent. Two decades of building lasting relationships have enabled us to deftly respond to the evolving landscape of Silicon Valley. To source the best engineers and IT professionals, we rely on a variety of tools to reach both active and passive job seekers.
- Talent Database. We maintain a database, complete with background information, technical qualifications, work history and salary requirements for thousands of technical professionals available for assignment.
- Industry Network. Our seasoned technical recruiters constantly network with other industry professionals to find new technical professionals for the growing needs of our clients.
- Direct Recruiting. Our recruiters are experienced searchers and negotiators—direct-recruit top technical professionals not looking to change jobs. We will find candidates with the right qualifications, present them with the challenging opportunities at your firm and sell them on the benefits of working for you.
- Online Recruiting. We also use the Internet and job boards to find active job candidates seeking new opportunities. We check these sources multiple times each day to find new people who have just registered, to make them available to our clients.