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The many uses of GIS

Geography Information Systems (GIS)  takes data from maps that were combined with information that can be displayed using one common route. After all the data have been entered into a GIS system, it can be combined to produce a wide variety of individual maps, depending on which data rules out to be the best. For instance,trying to rule out a faster route compared to the multiple other ways the route can be for one destination. Any GIS data layer can be added or subtracted to the same map, depending on the update.


They also can be used to show information that does not fully pertain to maps. For example, GIS can be used to show how many doctors there are in different areas compared with the population. They can also show what is near what, such as which homes and businesses are in areas prone to flooding.


GIS systems can also incorporate three dimensional images. This is useful, for geologists studying faults or to determine certain traffic ahead.  They can use satellite data to study topics such as how much of the polar regions is covered in ice. GIS can incorporate maps to do so much more than give you directions but help analyze and shorten data needed.This helps improve the  traditional process of drawing a map, which can be time-consuming and expensive.

