Of course you are smart and talented, your resumé proves that. Therefore, theoretically you should be able to get your own job at the company you dreamed of, right? Maybe, but it might be a wise idea to consider a recruiting company for that extra polish and shine you need to stand out.
The Examiner article, The Myths and Benefits of Using a Recruiter in the Job Search, states that one benefit of using a recruiter is that the “pool of candidates” reduces dramatically. If you’re the right fit, your resumé along with the help of the recruiter highlighting your strengths will give you a higher chance of standing out. If you send your resumé in to a company, there is a chance that it’ll never be seen or maybe sent to the wrong person. Recruiters have a better relationship with the hiring manager and give resumés directly to them.
Another value of a recruiter is that because they know what hiring managers look for, they are able to give you guidance through the interview process.
There is no guarantee that you will get the job that you were originally recruited for, BUT the good thing about recruiting agencies is that if they might not have another option for you today, tomorrow they may have twice as many opportunities for you!
Lastly, if you do decide to use a recruiter, make sure the recruiting firm focuses on your industry so that you can use the connections and knowledge they have to your advantage.
-Maricela Ramirez
Social Media Intern
Ryzen Solutions